Event Details
About the Event
Asim Cheema residing in the UAE for the last 23 years, is a Professional Award winning photographer, Having contributed for more than 10 years in the field of Photography within the UAE region with a proven history of successful collaboration with local and international brands Including Nikon MEA as Instructor, Sigma UAE as a Brand Ambassador, Vanguard as brand Ambassador UAE, and founder of CAMPIX.
In 2018 he expended his expertise to Oman, Africa and Pakistan
training people from all walks of life from being amateur
photographers to professionals.

About Iftar Fototalk
"iBrandConnect Iftar Fototalks" are interactive knowledge-sharing programs that offer photography enthusiasts and content creators the opportunity to learn new skills and techniques in a structured environment. They are guided by experienced photographers, content creators, and influencers. These talks will start after the iftar provided at the venue every day during the Holy Month of Ramadan.
"Fototalks" can cover a range of photography genres, such as landscape, portrait, street, and wildlife photography, as well as specific areas such as photojournalism, architecture, lighting, sound, or fashion. Some "Fototalks" may also focus on specialized techniques, such as black and white photography, long exposures, night photography, or post-processing.
"Fototalks" can be a great way to improve your skills, meet your favorite photographers and content creators, and gain inspiration and motivation for your art. They are a fun and rewarding way to travel to new locations and experience different cultures while pursuing your passion.